Today, I'd like to share how to write past-present-future tense in Korean language.
I’d like to show why consonant underneath, a.k.a. bottom consonant, are important to make each of tense.
They determine past, present, and future tense.
For example, ㅆ is added for past tense. ㄴ is used for present tense. And finally, ㄹ is for future tense. I will show how these bottom consonant is varied by each sentence as below ;
First of all, you can find each of verb ends with '-다'.
- saw 보았다
- ate 먹었다
- see 본다
- eat / eats 먹는다
- will see 볼 것이다
- will eat 먹을 것이다
Secondly, you can find ㅆ for past tense, ㄴ for present tense, and ~것이다 for future tense.
Finally, you can find each noun ends with 는 to connect each of verb. Therefore,' Pronoun 는 verb' is the one concrete structure of each of sentences. And please keep in mind that you should make 'space' between 'pronoun는' and 'verb'.
- I saw 나는 보았다
- She ate 그녀는 먹었다
- I see 나는 본다
- She eats 그녀는 먹는다
- I will see 나는 볼 것이다
- She will eat 그녀는 먹을 것이다
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